Kwesi Nichols Real Estate Tip #1 Marketing Plan for Bird Dogs

Learning how to find a good real estate deal solely rely’s on putting things in place so that the hot deals are brought to your doorstep! You have to ask yourself if you’ve ever had a good deal fall in your lap? You didn’t have to make any calls or flip through newspapers to find them. Every day you can go to your endless pot of good money making deals.

What if I told you, that there was a fail proof strategy for this? Something you could implement just one time and it would yield you all of these things time and time again. Would you be interested? Is that worth just 30 minutes of your time? Well, here’s how it works. The tip for the day is craigs list, back page, and kijiji. I can show you how to set up the right ads and put together the correct questions for buyers, sellers and investors. With a properly structured marketing plan anyone can be succesful as a real esate investor. The real estate investment tip for the day is to register on Real Estate Investor Bird so we can show you how one simple Marketing plan can change your income! For more tips go to Real Estate Tips.

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